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About Us!

The Internet wasn’t built for kids, so we made Seekadoo. It’s a kid-safe search AI that lets children follow their curiosity and keeps them out of danger. Seekadoo is reliable, easy-to-use and completely ad-free. We don’t collect personal information, we don’t track browsing behaviors and we don’t skew search results in favor of the highest bidder. Every site accessed through Seekadoo has been vetted by our team. We just want kids—ours, yours, everyone’s—to enjoy exploring the internet safely.

Here’s our origin story. A few years ago, our founder’s daughter embarked on a research project for school. The topic? Greek gods. When she typed that phrase into her search bar, the images that appeared were decidedly more adult than what she’d been studying in class. That was the moment our founder decided there had to be a better, safer way for kids to search the internet. Textbooks are written to be age-appropriate; shouldn’t the internet be age-appropriate, too?

We want learning to be fun and rewarding for our kids. We want them to benefit from the internet’s unprecedented capacity to inform and enlighten rather than peeking over their shoulder every time they begin a search, cringing at what they might find. Seekadoo is safe, fun and private. No ads, no tracking and no unwelcome surprises. Just results you can trust.